SWAMP Mountain Bike Community Forums

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Shout Box

[History] [Commands]

[Today at 12:23:45 PM] FACTORe: I guess mtbers didn't want to go all metric

[Today at 12:23:57 PM] Dan-o: when is the how not to puke class?

[Today at 12:24:44 PM] Dan-o: im curing my bonking issue already

[Today at 12:26:32 PM] FACTORe: tomorrow morning at san antonio - 7am

[Today at 12:26:39 PM] FACTORe: 65-70 miles

[Today at 12:26:46 PM] FACTORe: 3k feet of climbing

[Today at 12:26:50 PM] FACTORe: don't puke

[Today at 12:27:34 PM] Dan-o: yeah, ill be on my first cup  of coffee when someone pukes

[Today at 12:27:49 PM] Dan-o: read about that later

[Today at 12:28:09 PM] Dan-o: no road for me

[Today at 12:28:17 PM] Dan-o: im a mtber

[Today at 12:28:58 PM] Dan-o: cause i dont own a roadbike .......................................yet

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