Annual (auto-renew) subscription to SWAMP membership (via your PayPal account*)

Please Choose a single or multi membership below to open a secure checkout page.
To join without auto-renew subscription or a PayPal account use this payment page.
Forum members: please login and use the forum membership page.

PayPal will attempt to auto-renew your subscription each year.

If you use this page to join, your membership will be automatically renewed by PayPal next year.
Want to join SWAMP without an auto-renew subscription or PayPal account? Please use the join page.
Click here to see reasons to join SWAMP.

* SWAMP neither receives nor keeps any record of your credit card information.

** The newsletter and membership card(s) will be delivered to the name and mailing address you provide to PayPal. Subscriptions will be automatically renewed by PayPal each year.

Please e-mail questions to Membership at SWAMPclub dot org.

Ways to Join:

  1. Use your Credit card to send payment, using one of the options above or use the 1 year membership page.
  2. Signup Online with this membership application form and pay online or mail a check.
  3. Work 20 hours in a year on our Trail Work Days.